
Welcome Councillor Hancock!

Trafford Conservatives would like to give a warm welcome to our new addition to the Council.

Newly elected Councillor Lisa Hancock is a young mother who is very passionate about the local issues affecting her area.

Gorsey Lane Petition

The decision to restrict vehicular access to Gorsey Lane has been widely commented upon by many members of the public, with many expressing concerns about the management of traffic flows in the area.

Swimming Pools - Government Funding

Group Leader Councillor Nathan Evans welcomes the £62,000 in funding from central government for Swimming Pools in Trafford.

Spring Budget 2024 rundown

Find out how we're growing the economy, with inflation down, wages rising and National Insurance cut from 12% to 8%…

Trafford Conservatives Budget Amendment


This council has an opportunity to show it’s on the side of motorists and cyclists and get us out of being one of the worst boroughs in the country for potholes.