We're Trafford Conservatives Councillors, covering all of Trafford.
The proudest achievement of the Trafford Conservative Team has been the support and relentless fight we have undertaken to maintain Trafford’s outstanding education system.
Conservatives Support a diverse range of education, by standing up for choice.
One of the main reasons people tell us that they move to Trafford is for our Schools, Trafford is recognised as one of the best boroughs in the country for education.
We believe that investment in our early year’s benefits everyone.
Trafford Conservatives have fought to keep -
Academies, Faith schools, Grammar schools, private schools, free schools - a diversity of academic choices.
The Labour, Liberal Democrats and Green Party seek to dismantle our educational choices here in Trafford, taking it back to the 1970's with one school fits all mentality - It didn't work then and it won't work now.
Trafford Conservatives will seek to:-
- Stop the CAZ
- Keep Council Tax low
- Protect our schools and build a new one
- Deliver more Bobbies on the Beat on the streets of Trafford
- Bring in weekly grey bin collections
- Deliver outstanding Social Care
- Protect the Green belt with a building strategy focusing on brown field sites and a Local Plan
- Work with business to make Trafford the go to place to start or grow a business
- Develop a Tech Corridor in Trafford that focus on innovation and media
- Make Trafford a borough of sporting excellence working with our sporting legends
- Reduce the use of plastic in the borough and focus on a recycling strategy
- Lead on reducing air pollution with Green incentive schemes such as Electric Vehicle Charging Points throughout the borough free to use for 2 years to incentive people to move to electric vehicles and an “Every Spare Space” tree planting scheme
- Fill the potholes and Fix the pavements
- Invest in a long term meaningful cycling strategy working with our schools
- Produce a balanced budget
- Offer free parking for 2 hours in council car parks across the borough, make parking 'free after 3pm' from November to January, to help our High Streets thrive.