£500,000 Government funding boost to resurface roads which have gone to pot.
A half a million-pound Government funding boost will help repair roads across Trafford that have gone to pot.
Just over £500k has been allocated by the Department for Transport to repair potholes in key locations in the borough including Sinderland Road, Irlam Road and Parkway.
Welcoming the news, Broadheath Conservative Dr Cllr Kaushik Chakraborty said:
“A number of people have contacted me over the past two years to get Sinderland Road resurfaced, but the Labour-run council has always failed to address their concerns, so I’m now delighted that the Conservative government has released these funds and we are seeing action".
Group Leader Cllr Nathan Evans goes on to say, "What does it tell us about the state of Trafford under Labour, that the government has to intervene to fix the roads! Perhaps the council, which is being so badly mismanaged under Labour, should focus less on wasting money on cycling consultations and dishing out pay rises to councillors. And actually work to fix the borough which is in such decline.
The schemes identified for pothole repairs will be carried out alongside the current highway improvement program. The highways improvement program consists of over 150 schemes and is nearly halfway through. Major schemes on the highway improvement program, which began in April 2023, have already been completed along A56 Cross Street, Washway Road, and Carrington Spur.